Inside our walls, you will find the most professional and dedicated tradespeople our industry has on offer. We present welcoming barbershops in an effort to leave zero doubt about how privileged we feel to have you in our chair. Hell’s Bottom is honored by its spots on various “Best Barbershop in America” lists, but above all we strive to be a positive member of our local community by offering you highly skilled services in a positive and professional atmosphere. We deeply value the trust that you place in our steady hands and we appreciate the opportunity to be your barber. 

  • washington

    Washington, DC

    818 Rhode Island Ave NW

    Washington, DC 20001

    202. 332. 0200

  • Richmond, VA

    2311 W Main St

    Richmond, VA 23220

    804. 214. 3215

Washington, DC

Richmond, VA

  • Tony

    cut 95 shave 95

    beard trim 55

    managing partner, apprenticeship director,


  • Kelly

    cut 95

    barber, founder

  • Nic

    cut 75 shave 75

    beard trim 45


  • Nikkalas

    cut 85 shave 85

    beard trim 55


  • Shawn

    cut 75


  • Rich

    cut 60 shave 60

    beard trim 45


  • Ryan

    cut 60 shave 60


  • Thomas

    cut 60 beard trim 45


  • Paul

    cut 45 shave 45

    beard trim 35



sharp shaves and thoughtful grooming